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发布时间:2024-06-11      浏览量:


报告主题:The Relationship between Unions and High-Performance Work Systems in the Global Economy: A Meta-Analytical Investigation

报告人:刘明巍 教授 (美国罗格斯大学管理与劳动关系学院终身正教授、副院长)

主持人:苏方国 教授 (深圳大学管理学院人力资源管理系主任)


 刘明巍,教授,毕业于康奈尔大学,主要研究领域为雇佣关系、人力资源管理和企业社会责任。在Industrial and Labor Relations Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management, 中国社会科学等国内外期刊和Oxford Handbook of Conflict Management in Organizations, Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training等权威著作发表论文数十篇,并编著China at Work: A Labor Process Perspective on the Transformation of Work and Employment in China。其学术论文多次荣获美国劳动与雇佣关系协会年会最佳论文奖。2017年获得国际商务学会(Academy of International Business)新兴经济研究最佳论文奖,并获得产业与劳动关系领域“邓洛普学者”奖,W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research早期职业生涯奖,和美国劳动与雇佣关系协会“最优博士论文奖”。2015作为首批13名教授之一被授予罗格斯大学“校长学者”。担任Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Work in the Global Economy, Journal of Industrial Relations和Asia Pacific Business Review的编委,并任Human Resource Management, Journal of Industrial Relations, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Asia Pacific Business Review, Chinese Management Studies的客座主编, 是包括Organization Science, Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Labor Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Regulation and Governance, the China Quarterly, the China Journal等在内的劳动关系、管理学、国际商务、政治学、社会学、经济学和区域研究等领域近50个国际顶尖及著名期刊(SSCI)以及多家国外基金会和出版社的匿名审稿人,并为国际组织、政府和跨国公司提供咨询。



The authors argue for a national and temporal contingency perspective to reconcile the mixed findings of the relationship between unionization and high-performance work systems (HPWS). By conducting multilevel meta-regression analyses on 107 independent studies (N = 49,663), the authors found that the unionization-HPWS relationship varied across types of market economies, such that the relationship tended to be more positive in coordinated market economies than in liberal market economies. They also found that the evolution of globalization from the pre- to post-2000 stage was positively related to the relationship between unionization and HPWS. In addition, they found that the unionization-HPWS relationship increased as national export intensity becomes higher and employment security protection becomes stronger. The authors’ findings shed new light on the unionization-HPWS relationship and contribute to a better understanding of the role of national institutions and political-economic conditions in shaping labor-management relations and the resultant way of organizing work.




